Frequently Asked Questions

How to Buy Tickets?

The only official method for online purchase or advance booking of tickets is through this website. Purchases or reservations via email are not allowed; you can easily complete the process on this website. Tickets or reservations can be purchased up to 90 days in advance.

From our website, you can pay with Visa or Mastercard, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.

Use the following list to identify what type of user you are among the general public and three different group types:

General Public

Individual visitors or groups of individual visitors who purchase their tickets directly without intermediaries and wish to visit freely.

What Should I Do?

Online ticket purchases can be made up to 90 days in advance. In some venues and types of visits, purchases can be made on the same day. Tickets cannot be purchased in advance at the ticket office, only for the same day. Purchasing at the ticket office depends on visitor attendance, and you may have to wait to access the museum.

The maximum number of tickets per purchase is 12, with at least one non-free ticket. If you need to purchase more than 12 tickets, you will need to go through multiple purchase processes (each with at least one non-free ticket).

The option to choose between a free or guided visit varies depending on the venue.

General public purchases can be made with or without user registration. However, we recommend that you register or allow the creation of a user during the purchase process, as this will allow you to access your tickets in case of loss or request invoices.

Travel Agencies and Tour Guides

Travel agencies or official tourist guides managing groups of visitors who want to make advance purchases or reservations.

What Should I Do?

Advance purchase or reservation can only be done online up to the day before the visit, always through a registered user.

Purchases made 30 days in advance or less must be paid at the time of purchase. Ticket reservations can be made up to 90 days and a minimum of 7 days in advance. Payment for reservations can be made up to 30 days before the visit. If not done, the reservation will be automatically canceled.

The minimum number of people per group is 9. The maximum number changes depending on the venue. If the size of your group exceeds the maximum, you will need to book and purchase multiple visits (each with a minimum of 9 people).Groups must have their own official guide for the visit. In addition, these visits will have to be made with a portable guided system for groups (emitter microphone + receiver headphones) at the Royal Palace of Madrid, El Escorial, Royal Palace of Aranjuez, Royal Palace of La Granja, Royal Palace of the Almudaina, Yuste Monastery, Huelgas Monasteries in Burgos, and Santa Clara in Tordesillas.

Guided Tours for Travel Agencies and Tour Guides

On the day of the visit, you must present the reservation through the receipt received by email. Payment for the reservation can be made through the website up to 7 days before the visit; otherwise, it will be automatically canceled. Groups must have their own official tour guide to conduct the visit. Guides must accompany the group and adhere to the scheduled time, unless otherwise indicated by the museum, even to the point of not being able to carry out the visit if they arrive without the official guide.

Educational Groups

Educational groups belonging to 2nd cycle of preschool, primary, secondary, high school, vocational training, university, school workshops, employment workshops, and trade houses.

What Should I Do?

Reservation and advance purchase of tickets can be made up to 90 days in advance, always through a registered user.

Payment for the reservation can be made on the website.

The minimum number of people per group is 9. The maximum number changes depending on the venue. If the size of your group exceeds the maximum, you will need to book and purchase multiple visits (each with a minimum of 9 people).

On the website, you only need to select the number of students attending each group. Teachers will receive a free ticket at the ticket office for access; they do not need to purchase it on the website.

Groups must show the center's introduction letter at the ticket office on the day of the visit and bring teachers, tutors, or monitors, preferably with knowledge of the museum.

Patrimonio Nacional may, subject to availability, provide a guide for the visit for free, but it is not guaranteed and cannot be reserved in advance.

Groups can conduct their visit in different ways depending on the venue (mandatory official guide, guided equipment, etc.).

Free Access for Educational Groups

For all museums, only from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), the first 8 groups that book on the day are entitled to a free visit. However, due to capacity and availability issues, not all museums can offer the maximum of 12 educational groups per day. You must check the availability of groups at each museum and day.

To obtain free admission, you must make your reservation normally on this website, and at the time of confirmation, depending on previous occupancy, the system will indicate if you are granted free admission.

Guided Tours for Educational Groups

On the day of the visit, you must present the reservation through the receipt received by email. You must also show the center's introduction letter at the ticket office and bring teachers, tutors, or monitors, preferably with knowledge of the museum. Patrimonio Nacional may, subject to availability, provide a guide for the visit for free, but it is not guaranteed and cannot be reserved in advance.

Educational groups must conduct their visit in the following ways depending on the venue:

  • Huelgas Monasteries in Burgos and Santa Clara in Tordesillas:
    • Guided tour with the hiring of their own official guide and group guided system.
    • Guided tour with a guide from Patrimonio Nacional and group guided system.
  • El Pardo Palace and Descalzas and Encarnación Monasteries:
    • Guided tour with the hiring of their own official guide.
    • Guided tour with a guide from Patrimonio Nacional.
  • Madrid Royal Palace, El Escorial Monastery, Aranjuez Royal Palace, La Granja, Riofrío, La Almudaina, and Yuste Monastery:
    • Guided tour by a teacher.
    • Guided tour with the hiring of their own official guide and group guided system.
    • Guided tour with a guide from Patrimonio Nacional and group guided system.

The group guided system is free and consists of an emitter microphone and receiver headphones; it is not an audioguide device. When its use is mandatory and not available, it can be rented for free at the delivery counter within the venue.

Cultural Groups

Cultural associations, institutions, foundations, and postgraduate schools of fine arts.

What Should I Do?

Reservation and advance purchase of tickets can be made up to a maximum of 90 days in advance, always through a registered user.

Payment for the reservation can be made on the website before the visit.

The minimum number of people per group is 9. The maximum number varies depending on the venue. If the size of your group exceeds the maximum, you will need to reserve and purchase multiple visits (each with a minimum of 9 people).

Groups can conduct their visit in different ways depending on the venue (mandatory official guide, guided teams, etc.).

Guided tours for cultural groups

On the day of the visit, the reservation must be confirmed with the receipt received by email.

Cultural groups must conduct their visit in the following ways depending on the venue:

  • Las Huelgas Monastery in Burgos and Santa Clara in Tordesillas:
    • Guided tour with the hiring of a private official guide.
    • Guided tour with a guide from the National Heritage.
  • El Pardo Palace and Descalzas and Encarnación Monasteries:
    • Guided tour with the hiring of a private official guide.
    • Guided tour with a guide from the National Heritage.
  • Royal Palace of Madrid, El Escorial Monastery, Palaces of Aranjuez, La Granja, Riofrío, La Almudaina, and Yuste Monastery:
    • Free visit.
    • Guided tour with the hiring of a private official guide.
    • Guided tour with a guide from the National Heritage.

How to make changes, cancellations, or refunds?

Sorry, but it is not possible to change the date or time or refund money once the payment has been made. If you have completed the payment process, it means you have accepted our terms of service that specify this. The only allowed cancellations are for educational groups that have obtained free access.

How to modify or delete an unpaid group reservation?

If it is a tourist group, educational group, or cultural group, you can modify or delete an unpaid reservation by changing the number of group members or renting guided devices (transmitter microphone + receiver headphones). Please note that you cannot change the date or time of the visit, and if you want to do so, you will have to make a new reservation for the desired time and then cancel the original reservation. The schedule is not strict in museums with free visits; however, if the group does not arrive at the reserved time, access may be delayed. In museums with guided tours only, the time is strict.

This procedure applies to all types of groups.

Steps to follow

  1. Access the website of the National Heritage ticket sales service and click on the 'Group Access' section, located in the upper right corner.
  2. Select the type of group you want to register, click on 'Register'
  3. Complete the registration fields in the system that appear on the form and click 'Register'. You will receive an email from with the subject 'Create your password and complete your registration.' Follow the steps.
  4. Once on the group reservation website, access the booking module and filter by the city where the Royal Site you want to visit is located.
  5. Select the date, time, and number of tickets for your visit and click "Add to Cart".
  6. Fill in the contact information and click on buy now.
  7. On the next screen, you can see the reservation ID and the expiration date and time of the reservation. You will receive a reservation confirmation code.
  8. There, you can choose to pay the reservation at that moment or do it at any time up to 7 days before the date of your visit. If this deadline expires and no payment has been made, the reservation will be automatically canceled.
  9. To pay a reservation, you just have to log in again and access the reservation module, enter the reservation code and click on the three dots to the right of the reservation and click "Pay reservation".
  10. In the same module, you can reduce the number of tickets in your reservation, view the history and status of your reservations, and also, once you have paid the reservation, you can click on the three dots and download the receipt of your purchase, which you must present mandatory at the Royal Site on the day of your visit, as well as request the invoice for your purchase.
  11. If you wish, you can increase or decrease the number of people in your reservation.

I have reached the maximum number of group members but need more tickets

At the ticket office, on the day of the visit, in some National Heritage venues, it is allowed to increase the maximum limit of members by 1 or 2 more. If you need more tickets, you will need to buy an additional group through this website. If on the chosen date there are no more groups available online, and if the museum allows it, you can go to the ticket office on the day of the visit and indicate your situation to manage an additional group.


Free reservations for educational groups, once made, can only be modified at the ticket office on the day of the visit.

I am an individual visitor and want a guided tour

Museums with online guided tour purchase

In the following venues, the entrance purchased on this website includes the guided tour:

  • Santa María la Real de Huelgas Monastery
  • Real Monastery of Santa Clara de Tordesillas
  • Descalzas Reales Monastery in Madrid
  • Real Monastery of La Encarnación in Madrid
  • Príncipe's Cottage in San Lorenzo del Escorial
  • Labrador's House in the Royal Site of Aranjuez
  • El Pardo Palace


  • The exact schedule of the guided tour will be established at the time of purchase.
  • Free visits are not allowed in these museums.
  • Advance sale is for guided tours in Spanish. For guided tours in other languages, tickets must be purchased at the ticket office on the day of the visit.

Other museums

In the rest of the venues, the entrance can be purchased in advance, but the guide supplement (€4 per person) must be purchased at the ticket office on the day of the visit as it is subject to guide availability.

There is no established schedule for these guided tours since groups are formed based on visitor demand. Maximum waiting times are below 30 minutes.

In certain venues, instead of taking the guided tour, you can rent a tablet with the museum guide. You will also have the option to download an app with the guide to enjoy it at home or during the visit. The museums where this is available are:

  • Royal Palace of Madrid
  • San Lorenzo de El Escorial
  • Royal Palace of Aranjuez
  • Granja San Ildefonso Palace
  • Royal Palace of La Almudaina
  • Yuste Monastery

Do I need to print my ticket?

You do not need to print anything; you only need to show the confirmation email. Your tickets will be sent to you by email immediately after the purchase. You can also access your tickets in your profile by logging in at in the "My profile" section. If you did not receive the purchase confirmation email, remember to check the "Spam" folder.

I can't find my ticket. What do I do?

You will receive an email with your QR codes immediately after making your purchase to the email address you used to buy the tickets. You can also find them in your profile by logging in at in the "My profile" section. Remember to log in using the same account you used to make the purchase. If despite this, you can't locate your tickets, please contact us through this form.

Can my tickets be refunded?

For both individual and group purchases, refunds are not possible. For specific cases, we can make exceptions as long as the date of your visit has not passed. Contact us through this form.

How can I get an invoice?

Purchases made through the website

You can download your invoice from your private user area by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the account you used to purchase the tickets on our website
  2. Click on your profile and go to the "View my tickets" section
  3. Click on the purchase for which you need to request an invoice.
  4. Choose the option to request an invoice.
  5. Once you have filled out the form, you will receive your invoice in approximately 48 hours.

If you made your purchase on the website but as a group, you should select the "Group Access" option, go to 'Reservations,' choose the purchase for which you want an invoice, click on 'Invoice,' and fill out the form. If you bought as the general public, you should choose the "User Access" option. Remember to check the "Spam" folder.

Purchases made at ticket offices

For purchases made at the ticket office, you will have to request the invoice from the ticket office itself.

What can I do if I can't find an available visit time?

General public

  • The availability of visits is what appears on the website. If you do not find the desired day and time available, and the museum is open, you will have to make the visit at another time or go to the ticket office on the day of the visit.
  • Remember that in free time slots, advance reservations through the website are not possible.

Tourist groups

The availability for advance reservations is what appears on the website. By logging in with your user and selecting the desired museum and date, the different available schedules will appear.

Keep in mind that the demand for reservations on certain dates is very high, especially in certain venues, where groups can sell out in a few hours or even minutes. Remember that visits can be reserved up to 90 days in advance, going on sale at 12:00 a.m. There are reservations canceled by customers, so after a few days, new availabilities may appear.

For Agency and Official Tourist Guide groups, also consider that unpaid reservations expire 7 days before the visit. Therefore, it is possible that the day before visits, certain groups become available again.

If you finally cannot make your reservation and decide to attend without a prior reservation, we cannot guarantee the waiting time before group access, as it depends on the museum's capacity and the instructions of the ticket office staff and access supervisors. In the case of the Royal Palace of Madrid and the El Escorial Monastery, access is guaranteed as long as you do not arrive near closing time. If you decide to buy individual tickets, keep in mind that you will not be able to take the tour in a group with your own official guide.

Who and how can qualify for a free public visit?

Conditions to obtain a free public entry

If you make the purchase in advance through this website, for security reasons, you must purchase at least 1 (one) paid entry. Similarly, in free time slots, advance reservation or purchase is not possible. At the entrance to the venue, accreditation of the condition that allows free access will be required.

If all the entries you want to acquire correspond to gratuity, you must acquire them at the ticket office on the day of the visit.

Entrance to the venue will be free of charge for the following individuals:

  • Children under 5 years old
  • May 18, International Museum Day. (Except for closing days)
  • October 12, National Day of Spain, regardless of nationality
  • Members of large families as provided for in articles 2 and 3 of Law 40/2003, of November 18, on the Protection of Large Families and Royal Decree 1621/2005, of December 30, which develops
  • Members of ICOM (International Council of Museums) and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).
  • Official Tourist Guides with an Official Tourist Guide card, carrying out their professional activity, or when requesting entry in order to prepare for their work.
  • Active teaching staff with a teacher's ID.
  • People with a disability of 33% or more, with official accreditation. The accompanying person may access the Museums free of charge, as long as he/she is essential for the visit and this circumstance is stated in the disability card or resolution issued for this purpose.
  • Individuals in legal unemployment situations who can prove this circumstance, through an Unemployment Demand Card or equivalent document issued by the competent authority.
  • Free schedules for each museum can be consulted on the website No advance reservation is allowed during free hours.
  • Free tickets must be requested directly at the ticket office. If you are also purchasing another type of ticket along with a free entry, it can be managed through our website.

Can I take photographs of the visitation sites?

It is permitted to take photographs without flash for personal use, except in places expressly prohibited for this purpose. The use of tripods, selfie sticks or similar items is not permitted. The privacy of visitors and workers must be respected.